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Blogging About Residential and Commercial Property Loans in Southern California

Debt has become a fact of life for the average American. According to the latest statistics from the Federal Reserve, consumer debt in the United States has continued to grow, reaching nearly $3.4 trillion in May 2015. As debt grows, it begins to get harder and harder for some to get loans to help relieve their financial burdens, or to pursue career or business aspirations.

Read more: Need Capital? Inquire About a Private Loan

If you're looking for money for your investment fast, then you should consider contacting private money lenders. A private money lender will specialize in private money loans, which can give you the fast influx of capital you need for your projects of investments. However, there are a lot of myths surrounding these loans. You might not trust a private money loan because of them. To help you make a more informed decision, here is the truth behind common private money loan myths:

Read more: 3 Common Private Money Loan Myths, Debunked

Flipping houses has become more and more popular as the years go on, and not just because of reality TV. Not only is it a great way to make a few hundred thousand extra dollars, it's also a great way to let out your inner creativity. While it is such a great thing to get involved with, it isn't always easy to get started.

Flipping houses may be more challenging than you actually think. In order to begin the process, you have to have some cash to fund the project. Not many people have thousands of dollars just laying around, so you're going to need to borrow the money from somewhere. Here are some of the best ways to get money for your home flipping project.

Read more: Flipping Houses for Beginners: Where to Get Your First Funding

Hard money loans are often misunderstood by people who have never really used them before, and as a result there are a lot of myths floating around on the subject. The truth is that hard money loans are actually quite common and, if you know how to use them, very effective.

Read more: Debunking a Few Common Myths About Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans are typically associated with receiving fast investment capital. Hard money deals are often sought after for their quick turnaround (usually within 7-14 days to process), but beyond that, many people are surprisingly uninformed of what the process actually entails. If you're considering working with private money lenders, it's important to know the facts. Here are just a few key facts to understand when considering getting a hard money loan.

Read more: Interested In A Private Money Loan? Make Sure To Understand These 4 Facts

House flipping is becoming extremely popular as it can help you create an income while giving someone else the home of their dreams. House flipping is on TV all the time with a growing number of house flipping-themed shows on the daily reality lineup.

Read more: 3 Ways to Finance Your House Flipping Project

When using a hard money lending service or taking out a loan, it’s crucial that you understand how the entire process works. Taking out a loan isn’t as simple as just asking someone for money and taking it. There is so much more than goes into the process.

Read more: A Few Important Things You Should Know About Loans

Private money loans can be extremely helpful if you are in need of some immediate cash, but they can also be quite complicated. Just because they are complicated, however, doesn't mean that you shouldn't opt for private money loans. Hard money loans (another term for private money) can help brokers, investors, borrowers, and homebuyers alike, you just have to do a little research beforehand if you aren't exactly sure how the process works.

Read more: Having Trouble Navigating the Private Money Lending Field? These 5 FAQs Will Help

Financing a house flipping project can be tricky, at best. If a structured bank loan won't work for you, what will? The answer is private hard money lenders. Here's what you need to know.

Read more: Back to Basics: A House Flipper's Guide to Hard Money Loans

If you work in real estate, particularly flipping houses, then you're probably familiar with hard money and private money lenders. In this industry, knowing how they operate and where to find them is essential. But for newcomers to the house flipping industry, finding those resources might not come easily. For example, knowing where to go to find private money lenders or how to spot good private money loans are both skills learned with time. To save some of that time for you, we've created a short guide to help you learn how and where to find private money lenders.

Read more: Where Can I Find Private Money Lenders?

If you are interested in flipping and developing houses, hard money loans may be for you. These private money loans are great for those that may not have the capital needed to complete the project, for any reason. The world of hard money is incredibly vast, and there are some things that you should know before you sign on the dotted line.

So we have created a simple guide to help anyone understand how hard money loans and real estate investment work together.

Read more: A Beginner's Guide to Private Money Loans for Real Estate Development

In our last post, we discussed some frequently asked questions concerning hard money lenders and loans. Here, we finish the list to offer you as much information about the hard money loan process as possible!

Read more: Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Hard Money Loans: Part 2

Maggio Capital, Inc., is based in San Diego, California. We originate, underwrite and facilitate non-traditional mortgages on residential and commercial properties throughout California.

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